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Hello Summer

Hello Summer 00Days 00Hours 00Minutes 00Seconds Beach I would love to go to the beach during summer Beach I would love to go to the beach during summer Beach I would love to go to the beach during summer Beach I would love to go to the beach during summer Beautiful Sunset

Favourite Wild Animals

1.Tiger Tigers are very fierce animals 2.Cheetah Cheetahs are very fast animals 3.Seals Seals are very curious animals as well as friendly 4.Monkeys Monkeys are very smart and energetic animals 5.Peacocks Peacocks have very colorful feathers

Wild Animal

Giraffe A giraffe is a tall animal that have powerful kicks. Whale Whale’s have lived for many years even longer than an elephant and their knowledge surpass that of a person. Snake Some snakes are poisons Some are not but they can till bite so be care when your around them and their poisons can …

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